The International Society: How I’ve Gotten To Know The UK

Author: Michaella//University of Auckland//New Zealand

Hello lovely readers! I can’t believe that I have been in the UK for almost two whole months now! The time has flown by so quickly, I’m already beginning to feel a little sad about having to leave in January. However, this time has definitely not been wasted. When I first arrived in Manchester I was introduced to the International Society, a group dedicated to sharing and learning about cultures from all around the world. Through the International Society I have been been able to explore the UK, learn about different cultures, and make friends. So, for anyone reading this who is thinking of coming to Manchester in the future, or is an international student who is already here, join the club!! Not tempted? Well maybe you will be when I tell you about the trips I’ve gone on through the society (trips that occur every weekend, so you’re spoilt for choice friends!)

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